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In Buddhism greed, hatred and delusion are known as The Three Poisons.

The most destructive of these three is hatred: The Second Poison.


When a former US Army interrogator, travels to Thailand to track down those responsible for ripping off his father in a boiler room telesales scam, he soon finds himself embroiled in the murky underworld of illegal muay thai kickboxing gambling, money laundering, sex work and digital crime. The Second Poison explores hatred, revenge and redemption in present-day Thailand from a number of perspectives: the hardened farang (Caucasian) army veteran; the compassionate Thai girl born a boy, who once murdered her sister’s rapists; the godfather of a Hong Kong gambling syndicate and the Thai cop who turns a blind eye to crimes of passion … their stories intertwining throughout the book.


"The Second Poison" is published by Dollarbird an imprint of Monsoon Books a cataloguing-in-publication data record is available from the British library and it is included in the National Library of Singapore:

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